two red pingpong rackets on white surface

A. Ganiou

Young Table Tennis Prodigy

About Me

As a young table tennis enthusiast, my dedication and love for the sport have driven me to achieve remarkable progress and obtain exceptional skills. With an unwavering passion for table tennis and a commitment to excellence, I’m on my way to becoming a rising star. I aim to play in tournaments worldwide and compete at the highest levels.

several silver and gold trophies on wooden surface

View My Achievements!



First Place wins

Years of experience

Here you can explore the milestones of my journey in table tennis. From numerous first-place finishes to years of dedicated training, each accomplishment is a testament to my hard work and passion for the sport. Dive in to see how I’ve progressed and the highlights of my career so far!

Contact Me!

Feel free to reach out to my coach for inquiries about me!


+971 58 639 8728
